Home page copy checklist

These four questions will help you make sure every case study is a high-value, deal closing piece of content.

DIY home page copy checklist

Identify problem areas in your copy and fix them today.

Use this checklist to change your home page from a brochure to a high-performing member of your sales team.

The 13 questions help you identify problem areas, make changes and turn things around - fast.

This checklist zeroes in on your:

  • Headline and subhead

  • Features and benefits

  • Social proof

  • Calls to action

I use this checklist every time I do $799 home page review for a client. Trust me. It works.

No frills. Just a basic Google Drive checklist. Download it, print it off, add questions of your own - up to you.


PS: If you’re already on my list, don’t worry - just put in the email address you signed up with, and you’ll get your checklist without signing up twice.