


If you need results now

Landing page review: $799

I review your landing page and find quick wins you can implement yourself. 7 day turnaround. Money back if you don’t like it.

Read more and book yours here.

Page-in-a-day: $1,999

Great for folks who need a home page or landing page written now, not weeks from now. I’ll get you to fill out a questionnaire, then have a briefing call with you. Then I’ll get my head down and write you some fresh new copy. Fast and easy. 7 day turnaround.

Read more and book here.

If you can wait for a bit

Landing pages: from $3,500

Basically any page that you want to use to convince a specific type of person to take a specific action. Campaign landing pages. Vertical landing pages. Feature pages, use case pages, service offering pages and more.

Messaging + positioning strategy: $7,500

This is a deep dive - surveys, customer interviews, in-depth consultation with your team, competitor research and review mining.

You get:

  • Positioning strategy: a clear decision on what you do, for whom and why they choose you over competitors.

  • Value propositions: your 3-5 key statements articulating the problems you solve and what that means for your customers.

  • Messaging strategy: your main messages, in priority order.

These form a brief you can use to write consistent, persuasive copy - quickly.

Great if you need to refresh your messaging in response to market changes, you’ve been evolving your messaging over time and it’s all kind of a hodge podge, or if you’re growing really quickly and need to get everyone on the same page.

Whole thing takes about 90 days from start to finish, so book now to get the space on my calendar.

NB: If you’re based in NZ, these are in NZ dollars. If you’re anywhere else, these are US dollars.